Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

Participation is open to all Christian women who wish to manifest their unity & express the ecumenical dimensions of their faith & work.

Others may participate, provided they understand the purpose of the movement & wish to cooperate in advancing the program. Women of all racial, ethnic & other diversities are welcome & may participate through their local church or individually. We sometimes have simultaneous translations of our celebrations or forums into Spanish.

How can I participate?

You can attend a forum or a celebration. You can send us a donation. When you attend, you can bring items for the charity associated with that month’s event, or a check for that particular charity. The list of items is on the Ecumenical Projects page of this website.

Are there any fees?

There are no fees or dues. Donations are welcome.

Who can I contact?

You can contact or Mildred Langston at (505) 256-0109 or

Where do you meet?

We meet in various churches mostly in Albuquerque, occasionally in Rio Rancho.