Word Day of Prayer - March 1, 2024

Friday, March 1st 

9:15 Registration begins

Manzano del Sol Village

5201 Roma NE

"I Beg You...

Bear With One Another in Love"

The service was prepared by the WDP Committee of Palestine and the WDP USA Committee...a timely effort!  Our service in ABQ will feature a presentaton by Lamia Faruki who serves on the Board of Tomorrow’s Women, a group that brings together Palestinian and Jewish young women for a six-week experience in learning about each other’s culture one-on- one.  Either Lamia or Holly, the Director of the group, or both, will be with us to introduce us to their group’s mission and to show us interviews with some of the young women who have been part of the experience in the past.  This promises to be an extraordinary program and worship service!  Refreshments consist of simple Palestinian foods, thanks to Maggie Batsel of Los Altos Christian Church and Manzano del Sol.

World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice.

Join us and bring several friends!

Parking at Manzano del Sol:  Parking is on Roma and adjacent streets or in the small parking lot at the southwest corner of the San Mateo and Roma intersection.

Carpooling as much as possible is recommended.