Who We Are

Church Women United is a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian women’s movement, celebrating unity in diversity and working for a world of peace and justice.

Founded in 1941, Church Women United is:

    • a movement representing Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and other Christian women, biblically based, shared Christian faith;

    • organized into more than 1,000 local and state units working for peace and justice in the United States and Puerto Rico;

    • supported by constituents in state and local units and denominational women’s organizations;

    • impassioned by the Holy Spirit to act on behalf of women and children throughout the world; and

    • recognized as a non-governmental organization by the United Nations.

Throughout New Mexico

Along with the Church Women United statement above, we give an opportunity to worship, study, pray and work together with other women of faith in our community to make a more just, caring and peaceful world!

We are happy to talk with any individuals or groups that are represented in your church. We are happy to send bulletin announcements and have posters for each of our celebration days.