May 2024 Friendship Day


9:30-11:30 a.m. with brunch

Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church, 1004 24th St., Rio Rancho

Women living in Albuquerque may carpool by gathering at the parking lot at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 5301 Ponderosa Ave NE by 8:30 a.m.  If you are willing to drive and take passengers, notify Marilyn Stoops.

Those wishing to drive directly to the church, take I-25 to Alameda (528).  Proceed to Sara Rd (across from Intel), turn Left and go to Southern Blvd, turn Left, cross Golf Course, the 7th street later is 24th.  The church is located behind Mister Carwash and Daniels Funeral Home on the left corner.  If you pass Bob’s Burgers on the right corner, you’ve gone too far!  Once on 24th St., the church will be in the first block on your left.

The program will be centered on National Church Women United’s Health & Wellness Priority.  NM State Representative Natalie Figueroa, will be our speaker to address some of the many women’s health issues in our State.  The morning will begin with a brunch prepared by the women of Rio Rancho Presbyterian that will allow for conversations, renewing friendships, and greeting new people.  The service will focus on the Scripture story of the hemorrhaging woman (Mark 5:25-34).  The annual collection of the Fellowship of the Least Coin as well as the regular offering will be held.

You are encouraged to bring donations of personal hygiene products for women, which will be given to the women of Haven House, a domestic violence shelter in Rio Rancho.